
  • Our Resource Centers are located in the Oakhurst Neighborhood: 4915 and 4919 Monroe Rd. Charlotte, NC 28205. Frequently used, tangible resources are held at the Resource Center, while more unique items are held in a storage unit nearby.

  • Great question! Our organization is community funded; meaning, one-time donors, monthly donors and annual grants! When community members contribute financially, however big or small, it allows us to continue meeting emergency needs, as well as, utilize programs that help families experiencing foster care maintain their emotional and mental health. To contribute financially, whether that is one-time or monthly, click here

  • We are the first official affiliate of Foster Village Inc. They have an Affiliate Program that allows other cities to replicate the Foster Village model and materials. To check out their other locations and application process, click HERE.


  • Thank you for thinking of Foster Village Charlotte for your new donations! We only accept new donations. If you would like to gift these items, please email info@fostervillagecharlotte.org to see if this is a needed item. When our storage space gets too full, we may have to kindly decline and provide you with a list of organizations that might need those items. In addition, we have a network of organizations serving families that we will share items with so please keep this in mind when you donate. We also have a running list of needs HERE, for purchase.

  • We accept carseats that are not expired, have not been in any accidents, and are properly washed before donating. Please email info@fostervillagecharlotte.org if you have a carseat to donate. As an option for gently used items we have created a community Facebook group for non-foster families and fostering families called Foster Village Charlotte Swap where folks can post items to donate to members of our fostering network. We do NOT accept any other gently used items.

  • Wonderful, thank you! We ask that you please contact us for our biggest needs prior to launching your drive to ensure we have space and they are items we need. If needed, we can provide you with promotional materials too. Let us know you are interested in hosting a drive by filling out this form!

  • Our organization relies heavily on volunteers. You must be 18+ years to volunteer. Learn more about the process by viewing the volunteer page.

  • Foster Village Charlotte’s support groups and workshops are hosted monthly for two to three hours, with additional opportunities to engage through quarterly family gatherings, parents' morning outs, and more. While there is the occasional opportunity to serve during the week, this volunteer opportunity is primarily on weekends (specifically Sunday afternoons).  Please note that consistency is a huge bonus for our children in care, and they look forward to seeing volunteers each month. To ensure consistency, we ask childcare and events volunteers to commit to serving twice a quarter. If you are looking for more direct and consistent experience with children, we want to help you find the best volunteer opportunities suited to your interests! Click here for our list of great nonprofits with more exposure to working with children in foster care or children identified in at-risk situations.

  • Yes, we’d love to build awareness about foster care and how YOUR village can support OUR village! We welcome the chance to speak at your company, business, school, church, or workout community. Please email telling us about your event, info@fostervillagecharlotte.org. Please note that we welcome a financial donation to cover the personnel time invested in your event.

  • We are so grateful for businesses like yours! There are several partnership opportunities to show your support for our community's most vulnerable members, children in foster care. Please view the Partner with Business section of our website and complete form to kick start the conversation of ways we can grow the village together!


  • You are why we are here- we look forward to supporting you! For specific tangible requests due to a new emergency placement or you are desiring connection with other foster families or would like to learn more about the events we have to guide you through your fostering journey, please visit our request forms page or fill out our FVC Intake Form and we’ll be in touch!

  • First, it’s important to note that we are not a licensing agency but we’re here to help you learn more. We recommend researching your local child placement agencies and attending orientations to get a feel for which agency is the best fit. Recommendations from current foster parents is a great place to start! We host Exploring Foster Care classes and other events catered to prospective foster parents. Find out more information here.